Students using the library at lunchtime
The Belair Library is looked after by Teacher Librarian Miss Nyssa Kelly
Monday - 6J, 3M, 1M
Tuesday - 5P, 3H, 2PB, KCA, 2L, 4K
Wednesday - 6G, KZ, K/1A, KM, 1S, 1B
Thursday - 3/4F, 4BE, 2B, 5C, 5S
Friday - Library Administration Day
All students at Belair are entitled to borrow books to take home for a period of two weeks
K-2 - recommend borrowing 2-3 books per week
3-6 - recommend borrowing 3-4 books per week
There is no definitive number of books that students in each grade can borrow - the decision is made on a student-by-student basis that depends on the individual students and their borrowing habits
Students from K-2 MUST have a library bag and students from 3-6 are strongly encouraged to have a library bag so that books are less likely to be damaged.
Library Bags are available for purchase at the school uniform shop for $8. Enviro bags and strong plastic bags from clothing and shoe stores also make great library bags.
Miss Kelly often has a stash of extra bags that she will give to students who have forgotten their library bag (as long as they don't have a lot of overdue books).
If books are not returned after two weeks students will receive an overdue notice asking them to return their books as soon as possible. These notices will continue until the book is returned.
If a book is damaged beyond repair or misplaced we ask that parents contribute to the cost of a replacement copy so that the book can be borrowed and enjoyed by other students. The cost of books are included in overdue notices and can be paid at the office. If you have misplaced a book and need some time to look for it, that is fine. We ask that overdue fines are paid if a book has not been returned by the end of a school year.
Part of the role Miss Kelly plays as the Teacher Librarian is purchasing books for the library and then adding these books to the library catalogue so that they can be borrowed by students and teachers.
Books are purchased through a variety of means. Belair Public School has a subscription to Australian Standing Order - this provides the school with a quality selection of picture books, chapter books and non-fiction books each month. The Standing Order also means that the school receives books nominated by the Children's Book Council of Australia for the CBCA Awards. Books are also purchased from local bookstores, book suppliers, online and at department stores. It is necessary for purchases to be made often to ensure that the library contains titles that are up-to-date and interesting to students. There is a suggestion box in the library where students can place suggestions for books they would like purchased. Miss Kelly uses these suggestions once a term to determine some of the purchases she makes. The library accepts and appreciates donation of books from the community.
In the library there is a separate section that contains books for Stage 3 students. These books are classified as Young Adult and are labelled with a 'Stage 3' sticker and shelved separately to ensure that students are aware that they are only available to Stage 3. This decision was made to ensure that younger students do not have access to material that is not developmentally appropriate. If you have concerns about an item in our library collection please contact Miss Kelly, she is only to happy to address concerns. There are a small number of books in the library that are not loaned out to students until they have permission from their parent or guardians.
In 2016 the library began to use OLIVER as it's library operating system. This is an online catalogue system that allows students to access the library catalogue from their student portal. For students the system has a simpler, child-friendly format designed specifically for students. This is called ORBIT and can be seen in the images below. Students can access 'My Library' on ORBIT to see their current loans, renew books, look at their loan history, search for books and make reservations. Students can post book reviews that are then attached to these books and can be read by other students using the catalogue.

At the core of the library is the goal to develop encourage students to develop a love of literature and passion for learning and thinking. All students who visit the library are exposed to literature in a variety of forms. They are read to and borrowing is always encouraged. The library is also focussed on giving students the opportunity to enhance their learning in a manner that differs from classroom learning. The library is a flexible and collaborative space and students are encouraged to work with others and learn to develop the skills and strategies to overcome issues in group work and to take on the responsibility of directing their own learning (to a degree).
For each grade there is a different focus or goal during library learning.
Kindergarten - Students learn to use the library for borrowing and returning, they share stories and develop knowledge of literature, they become familiar with authors and their work, they learn to locate books in specific sections and understand the Non-Fiction Dewey Decimal System and they also begin to develop computer skills.
Year 1 and Year 2- Students revise knowledge and skills developed in Kindergarten and Year 1. Students engage in author and illustrator studies and become familiar with specific writing and illustration techniques. Students continue to develop their computer skills, explore the internet and learning about engaging with the online world safely and responsibly.
Term 1 - Students engage in Digital Citizenship lessons
Term 2 - Students begin Premiers Reading Challenge and learn to log on to the website and add their books. Students also develop technology skills, website evaluation skills and information literacy.
Term 3 - Book Week and Book Parade Celebrations. Students learn about CBCA shortlisted books.
Term 4 - Students continue to develop technology and information literacy skills
Year 3 and Year 4 - For students in Stage 2 there is a greater focus on developing critical and creative thinking and problem solving. There is also an emphasis on students' digital citizenship, website evaluation skills and information literacy (the ability to interpret and critically understand information of all forms) through inquiry or project based learning. The way these skills are taught is adjusted to complement the learning students are engaged with in the classroom. There is often a literature, science of social science focus to these inquiry tasks. Often, library is also used as an opportunity to introduce students to new literature and tech tools.
Term 1 - Digital Citizenship and Website Evaluation Skills
Term 2 - Students begin Premiers Reading Challenge and engage in Inquiry Learning Task
Term 3 - Book Week Activities + Inquiry Learning Task
Term 4 - Inquiry Task with Literature Focus
*Please note: The library program is flexible and is often adjusted to meet the needs of school priorities and classroom learning.
Year 5 and Year 6 - For Stage 3 there is a similar focus to those taught in Stage 2. Stage 3 students are provided with opportunities to further develop their criticial and creative thinking skills through collaborative inquiry learning opportunities (similar to project based learning). In this stage there is a greater focus on students developing skills as independent, self-driven learners who have control over the direction their inquiry and research takes. Students in Stage 3 are still encouraged to borrow and literature remains a focus in all library lessons.
Term 1 - Digital Citizenship + Revisit Website Evaluation + Note taking skills
Term 2 - Students Begin Premiers Reading Challenge + Inquiry Learning Task
Term 3 - Book Week Activities + Inquiry Learning Task
Term 4 - Inquiry Task with Literature Focus
These are some instructions for digital tools used regularly in library lessons. The instructions outline how these can be accessed and utilised at home.

During the second half of every lunchtime the library is a hive of activity. Students visit the library to play with toys, read quietly, draw and colour, and use computers.
There is a roster for computers and each stage has a specific day that they are able to use the computers freely.
In Term 3 of 2016 there are plans to develop a more structured lunchtime program (Makerspace) that will include a:
Lego Club
Craft Club
Book Club
Building Challenges, and more!
These will be 'Makey Lunchtimes'
The goal of developing these programs is to engage students in STEM focussed learning and allow them to develop creative and critical thinking through fun activities.